Saturday, November 3, 2012

Egg Lander Mission
Caleb Lee

Materials Given:
- 20 straws
- Masking Tape
- Sheet of Newspaper

       The design that we came up with was a box made of the straws and  the egg would be inside the box covered with the newspaper we were given. We had many different drawings of what we should make but we chose the box with the straws pointing outwards because we thought the straws would help the structure stay intact while all the force would move throughout the straws. We first started off making a box to hold the egg in the center with the sheet of newspaper. We made it by cutting the part where the straw bends. Afterwards, we took the remaining straws and taped them around the box we made. We left one part open so we could slip the egg in and then we covered the opening with more straws.
      When the egg lander was dropped, I saw the egg lander drop right on the corner of the lander and the egg had cracked.  The reason for the crack was because we did not put enough straws on the corners of the box, we only put them on the sides.
       If we could improve on the model of the egg lander, I would have protected the box on all sides and corners. This would create a better shield and a better lander.

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